アコースティック・ギター/ボーカル・デュオのATOMOです。 ホームページへは右のプロフィール内 [ATOMO website] から入ることができます。 Click on [ATOMO website] in "PROFILE" to our website.
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On last Saturday, we went out to RJ for the last playing there this year.  The greetings, "See you next year!" made me miss them already. That means this place is really becoming very special for us. All the time we visit there, there are some familiar faces we can recognize, and that makes me feel so glad. Everyone expresses themselves through their music. And that is so nice. We were very happy to join this event at the end of this year. Next time we could join this is going to be in May. How popular this event is now!! 
Now, because it's in a holiday season, some musicians played Christmas songs. They were very romantic. However, we are not good at it (especially, "A" is that kind of person).  Among them, we just concentrated on our playing. Because I seldom dress up, and I have no make-up on, I was gazing at the girls who disguised as Santa Clauses! They (these girls are called Clap The Hands, female chorus group) were very cute!!

For these days, I think I found a bit of how I want to express myself through our music and my singing.  Our improvement is defenetly based on those places that give us to play. Thank you so much for making us grow a lot! I hope we could spend on those happy days next year too!!   (tomo)



F1000053.JPG   板東さん、ポスターありがとうございました!

Our "Christmas gig" is right on the corner.  Despite "Christmas gig," it just means we play in the Christmas season, and we don't intend to play Christmas songs.  We must announce that in advance.  No Christmas songs!  Just because we can't make them sound interesting.  I am not saying we dislike them.  I have to make it clear that, too.  We'd better work on arranging our songs rather than on Christmas ones. 
We rehearsed tonight, and happened to meet some people who came to our live last time. It's very nice to have them there again on this Christmas event!  Come and enjoy together!!

We have uploaded our new song," Thank You."  Plus, we have replaced some sample files in better sound.  Actually, what I did was only to rise the volume level.  (A)

新曲"Thank You"のサンプルファイルをアップロードしました。加えて、マシな音質のファイルに差し替えたものもあります。といっても、ただボリュームを大きくしただけですけど。   (A)

F1000011.JPGLast night, we played at cafe restaurant called ARETHA. It was our first time to play there. We arrived there around five by bike, and rehearsed a bit. When the first time "A" played the guitar unplugged, it sounded already perfect for us. Then we played through the lines, and the sound was just beautiful. I was so excited!! Last night, lots of our friends came to see us. We really appreciated it!! Some unexpected visitors brought us a happy surprise! Thank you!! Gotta study more and more through out all my life....
Cheers to music!!!   (tomo)

DSCN2100.jpgDSCN2107.JPG昨夜はARETHAというカフェレストランでのライブでした。ここでの初めてのGIGです。自転車で5時頃到着し、リハ開始。「A」が生音でギターを弾いた時、私達の欲求は既に満たされました。それから2人でラインを通して音出し。その音響は本当に素晴らしい限りでした。私の興奮度はマックス。昨夜はたくさんのお客さんが来て下さり、中には私達の予期せぬ方もいらして、とてもとても嬉しかったです。ありがとうございました!まだまだ日々精進です。音楽に乾杯!!   (tomo)

abd250a6.JPGいつの間に撮られたのか知らないが、この写真は結構好きだ。誤解しないで欲しいが、隠し撮りが好きなわけではない。 写真写りの悪い男にはこういうさりげない写真の方が良い。長丁場のライブには普段より多くの準備が必要だ。この写真にはそんなぼくの少しの不安が表れているはず?   (A)

I like this photo. I don't know when she took it.  Don't get me wrong that I like sneak shots.  This kind of unposed shot is for an unphotogenic guy.  For a long set gig, we have to prepare a lot more songs than as usual.  This photo should be showing my little anxiaty, shouldn't it?   (A)

The owner and me(tomo) seem to have the similar taste. I really love the interior of  there. Everything looks so sophisticated. Let me introduce some here.

02c65aaa.JPG←入り口。 このフォントもとても良い。

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In Tomo's MC, she introduced a story about that I am a big fan of puzzle chains. Picking up her MC, the master brought a puzzle chain to my table. Somebody in the staff has the same interest as mine.
If they rename their place as RJ&BME's live music, kitchen bar and puzzle chain, I bet more people will be attracted!  Well, but actually puzzles are quite distractors against music.  So, puzzles must be a secondary entertainment for no-live-music days...  No! I can't play with them.  (Why don't I visit on no-live-music days as well?)
Our TAIBAN live at RJ were our favarite group and also our friends, Recto Berso, and Mr. Akimoto, who met there first time that night.
Good music, foods, and chain of friends. That's RJ!  (A)

DSCN5406s.jpgぼくが知恵の輪好きであることをTOMOがステージでしゃべったことを受けて、マスターが店にあった一つ知恵の輪を貸してくれた。スタッフにも同じ趣味の人間がいるらしい。ここの名前を"RJ&BME's live music, kitchen bar & 知恵の輪"と改名すれば、更なる客寄せ間違いなし!しかし、音楽に知恵の輪は敵かも知らんね。ライブがない日の別の顔として知恵の輪バーとすれば…でもそれではぼくが遊べない!(ライブが無い日も行けばいいって?)
当日の対バンは我々のファンであり良き友人でもあるRecto Bersoと、その日初めて知り合った秋元圭一さんであった。
Good music, foods, and 友達の輪!それがRJだ。  (A)

Next day of RJ, it was time to play at another great cafe, One Drop! The master got some new lighting stuff to arouse music. And that really worked. I could be in a very good mood in the limelights changing with music! Feel like pro!! Thanks to the master who must have gotten very busy doing both lighting and sound. The audience coming to this cafe are always great listeners and all the time I sing here, I feel very comfortable. I think a heart of the master here who cares a lot about music and musicians makes for this space. That's hot!!   (tomo)

熱い!!   (tomo)

All photos by Mr. Haruki @ RJ.

We played at RJ last night. I'm going to write about this later. Well, today is another day to have fun togehter!! Are you ready?? Go to our "INFORMATION" for the detail!!

Cafe One Drop
 start @ 8:00

Have fun! Have drinks! Great place to enjoy music!!
We're gonna play new song I've written lately!!   (tomo)


Cafe One Drop


先のブログにお知らせしていた12/8のLa Pura Vidaでのライブはクリスマスイベントに変更予定です。詳細はきまり次第お知らせします。

Formerly informed our gig on 12/8 at La Pura Vida will be rescheduled as a Christmas gig.  The details will be announced as being fixed.

I finally finished writing my second song! "A" ,as usual, helped to make it "music" for me, who dosen't know about any music theory and dosen't play any instruments at all. I wanted to make a love song which has typical popular music tastes. This time, melodies and lyrics were coming out from my head so easily. It seemed like "A" is the only one who had to struggle with this. I appreciate it a lot! Thanks!! Well, we're gonna play this song on our next gig coming up!! The song is called "For You". Please come and check it out!!   (tomo)

遂に私の2作目が出来上がりました。いつも通りAが、音の仕組みも分から無い、楽器の全く弾けない私を助け、それを「音楽」にするのを手伝ってくれました。これこそポップスラブソング!というのを作りたかった。今回はメロディーも歌詞もすっすと出てきてくれました。苦戦したのはAのほうでしょう・・・。感謝しています!アリガトウ!次のライブで演奏する予定です。タイトルは「For You」。是非聴きにいらして下さい!!   (tomo)1104f7f3.JPG

毎回こんなグチャグチャ。私にしか分からない・・・。   (tomo)

それにしても、この乱筆、ベートーベンも顔負けだ・・・。  (A)

It was another sweltering night at Cafe One Drop!

11月のライブ予定  詳細はHPのInformationにて!
●11/10 (土)     RJ                   阪急西宮北口
●11/11 (日)     One Drop        谷町9丁目
●11/25   (日)      ARETHA       阪急曽根
●12/8     (土)     La Pura Vida  京橋

Attention!  Up coming live!  See "information" in our website for detail.
●11/10 (Sat.)       RJ at Hankyu Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi
●11/11 (Sun.)      One Drop at Tanimachi 9-chome 
●11/25 (Sun.)      ARETHA at Hankyu Sone
●12/8    (Sat.)       La Pura Vida at Kyobashi

We're going to play at a live cafe called ARETHA next month!  We are very happy to play here especially because it's in our town, Toyonaka!! We can go there by bike, and it takes only about 15 miniutes! This place was just born in this September. I fell in love here at the first time we visited. This cafe owed by a very nice couple is so smart, well desighned, and cozy . The first time we went there, they kindly ask us to play. We played 3 songs and had a really fun night!! We really appreciate it. On that day, the master, George and his friend played some old good popular songs. Their voices were so clear and strong. I felt the power of the voices afresh by hearing them. That was beautiful.
And personally, there's another good point, "ARETHA" was named after the great Gospel singer, Aretha Franklin! She's one of my favorites!!! I was so excited when I saw this name on the web!!
Among so many good points, but the best one I felt was the quality of the sound. They have a great sound there. I could sing very very comfortably. The ceiling is very high and that may be one of the factors. They told us how they cared to build this place for music. That's really great! They also serve good foods and hospitalities! We talked a lot, but I wanted to more!! We are going to play here Sunday on November 25th. Come and see how wonderful here with your own eyes!!!   (tomo)

そしてもう一つ、私個人的に感激したのがお店の名前。「ARETHA」とは偉大なるゴスペルシンガー、Arethe Franklinから取ったとの事。私の大好きなシンガーの一人で、webでお店の名前を見た時から興奮していました。
たくさんの素晴らしい面々の中でも、一番はやはり、その素晴らしい音響です。物凄い良いです。本当に心地よく歌わせて頂きました。お店の天井は高く、それも要因の一つなのかな?音にはとてもこだわって設計されたとおっしゃっていました。素晴らしいです。食事もおいしく、お二人が温かく迎えて下さいます。私達もたくさんお話したのですが、まだまだお話したかった!11月25日の日曜日に演奏させて頂きます。是非いらして、ここの素晴らしさを体感して下さいね!!   (tomo)

Air Supplyとの出会いについてちょっと書こうと思う。
1992年在米中、ぼくは友人からAir Supplyのコンサートに一緒に言ってくれないかと誘われた。当時情報が皆無だったぼくはそのお誘いに答える前に、周りの人に彼らの評判をいろいろ訊いてみることにした。主観的であるさまざまな良い評判と悪い評判から、彼らの音楽を想像し、行ってみることに決めた。ぼくらの席は劇場の最後尾だった。場内アナウンスでは彼らの到着が遅れていることを告げていた。もともとバンドだった彼らは、当時1990年代初頭、Air SupplyとしてRussell Hichicock(vo)とGraham Russell(gt&vo)の2人だけで再出発をしたばかりだった。いろいろ想像を膨らませて待ちくたびれていた中、一時間ほど経ってやっと到着した二人の他には、サポートピアニストが一人だけ参加していた。演奏が始まるや否や、ぼくはRussellのヴォーカルに衝撃を受けた。正にど真ん中。金鉱を掘り当てた気分であった。この時の第一印象は想像を遥かに超ていた。Tomoが前のブログで書いているように、聴く人のハートをギュッと掴む信じがたいほどに美しい声質である。彼らは同じ曲を20年以上、(もちろん新曲も)歌っているが、その歌い方は変わっていない。中には年を経るにしたがって、声を歪ませるなど発声法を変えるミュージシャンもいるが、彼らは決してボーカルに変に手を加えるようなことはしない。常に自然体で歌っている。その時のRussellの声はソプラノ(女声高音域)であったが、おそらく今はテナー(男声高音域)であろう。それが曲のキーを少し下げている。それだけのことだ。彼らのエッセンスは完璧に健在だ。
我々には彼ら以外にも同じ観点からのスーパースターがいる。それはまた別の機会に。   (A)

Maybe I want to write about when I first saw Air Supply.
In 1992, Bellingham, WA, a friend of mine asked me to accompany to their show at Mt. Baker Theater. Prior to answer to the offer, I asked around my friends about their reputation to get more information. When I vaguelypictured their music from those subjective goods and bads about them, I decided to give it a shot.
We seated at the very back. The anouncement told us that their arrival was somehow delaying. At that time, they just restarted their new Air Supply with only two Russell Hichicock(vo.) and Graham Russell(gt&vo) (they are used to be in a band). With the swelling imaginasion, almost an hour passed. And they arrived. For that show, they brought just another piano player beside them. Once they started to play, I was stunned by Russell's vocal, and he did struck home. I felt as if I had found a gold mine. The first impression was too far better than my imagination. Like Tomo described before, he has an incredibly beautiful tone of voice to grab people's heart.
They have been playing the same love songs (including new ones too) over and over again even after 20 years, but they never change the way they sing. Some musicians modify the utterance, for example, destorting the voice as they get older, but Air Supply doesn't mess around with the vocals, and always sing straight forward. Russell's voice used to be in a rage of soprano (womans higher vocal rage), and now probably the tenor. That brings the key lower to some songs, but that's it. All the goodies are perfectly preserved.
There is another superstar of ours in the similar aspect, but that is another story.   (A)

0362c61b.JPG比較的高年齢層の聴衆の中で、ぼくらは絶対的に若かった。Air Supplyは1980年代前半世界的に名を広めたグループだ。ここにいる人々はそのときからのファンに違いない。ぼくはというと、1992年、アメリカにいた時に初めて彼らのコンサートを観て以来、彼らの曲を聴き続け、コンサートに行くのは今回が4回目である。還暦まであと数年と迫ったRussellやGrahamは、しかし今でもなお聴く者を釘付けにする。
彼らの編曲は時代の中で変わることがあっても、歌い方が曲の持つ良さをしっかりと保存し、決して失わせることはない。   (A)

Among relatively senior-aged crowd, we were definitely young.  Air Supply became a world wide artist in early 80's, so I guessed the most of people there must be the fans from that time.  I have listened to them since I first saw them in 1992 in the states and this is my 4th time.  Still now, however, Russell and Graham, who are in their late 50's, have magnetized the fans. 
Since their songs are our favorate repertoires, all the words are in our heads.  We seated on the center of the second row and sang along.  The two men ran on the stage and walked through the audience.  But our seats must be too close, so that their eyes always fell behind us.  What a shame. 
After the show, despite our attempts to meet them in person, it couldn't be realized.  These attempts were kindly brought back by the staff with their autographs on the video tape that we prepared.
Their song arrangement changs as time goes, but the way they sing preserves their fundamental charm of those songs and never let it get lost.   (A)

Pick thrown by Graham.  Tomo got it!  His autograph is on the other side.

F1000030.JPGFinally the day had come!! Air Supply, our NO.1 superstar came to Billboardlive. We visited here twice this year! How luxurious!!
I've known them for almost ten years. And their music is still our best. They looked older than we had seen them last time because it was about 8 years ago in Las Vegas, and that was my first time to see their show, but their music is definitely not faded. I was so excited, and that made me sing along with them loudly. Seemed like just two of us were singing when they requested the audience to sing. I love their music style, but moreover, I am attracted by Russell's voice a lot. It's incredible. If you haven't heard them, I recommend to get one of their CDs. I just can't believe their age!! I want to become like they are.
We brought very old and rare VHS to get their autograph, and we did it. We wanted to talk with them, but it didn't come true. Then we wrote a short letter very quickly to hand them. I should have written my age on it!! If I did, they might have been interested in us and showed up!! (haha!)
Well, I just want to thank them for their music giving us lots of inspires and dreams. The autograph above says, "Tomoko, love too!". Oh my...!! (tomo)

遂にこの日がやって来た!!私達のナンバーワン大スター、Air Supplyがビルボードライブ(前ブルーノート)にやって来た。ここには今年2度目である。何という贅沢。
ただただ彼らの音楽と、それがもたらす私達の喜びに感謝である。上のサインには、「Tomoko, love too!」と書いてある。ああ・・・!! (tomo)

Last night, we played at RJ for an open mike night. Because this event is getting very popular, now it's hard to get appointments to join. We were also one of them missed the event held on last month. So it was kind of feeling fresh for us. We've never misssed this event before!! Besides, it was already full of sign-ups till Novenber. So we signed in for December's one last night!!
About our performings last night, was not very bad. At least, finally I didn't get nervous yesterday and could concentrate on singing. This is my first time not to get nervous at RJ's open mike. The amount of our practice and confidence on our songs may be the main factors. I think the number of being on stages makes them possible. Yes, experiences are very important to get you through the things.
I really thank these events. Thanks for making us grow!!
I'm looking forward to playing for next open mike here!! But before that, we're going to play a gig sharing with other musicians on Novenber 10th. On the very next day, we have anothe gig at Cafe One Drop at TANI-9.
dd126235.JPGSo far, we don't have any plans for gigs on October, so we're gonna play for open mikes at various places if we could. And use our time to make some new songs. (I'm gonna make one too!) We'll improve day by day. Come and see us play! Let's enjoy music together! Thank you!!   (tomo) 

私達は日々成長しています。演奏を是非観にいらして下さいね。一緒に音楽を楽しみましょう!!   (tomo)

F1000016.JPGOn this Wednesday, We went to Kyoto to play at an open mike night. It's been a long time (almost a half year!) since we played there last time!! But we recognized some players to share that night. I don't know why, but for the open mikes, I got very very nervous all the time. Here, this place has a huge stage and good PA, so I could sing comfortably though. And I got some good harvests. As all the proverbs or sayings go right, this one is also really correct;  "To make one stage is worthy of your thousands of practice."   (tomo)

水曜日に、久々(ほぼ半年ぶりです!)に京都の飛び入りデーに参加してきました。何人かはご存知の方々がいらっしゃいました。何故だかわからないですが、セッションや飛び入りの時は本当にめちゃくちゃ緊張してしまいます。ここは大きなステージに良い音響で、とても心地よく演奏させて頂きましたが。いくつか大きな収穫もありました。全ての諺や言い習わしがそうである様に、これも本当にその通りです。「千回の練習よりも一回の本番」   (tomo)



First of all, I'd like to thank all the people came last night. As usual, I, of course, did my best at that time, but there are still a bunch of things to think about. Well, but thanks to the people, I could enjoy singing very much! That's one of the most important things for our music. Thank you so much!!!   (tomo)

まず初めに、昨夜来て頂いた皆様に感謝です。毎回そうであるように、もちろん今回も自分のその時のベストを尽くしました。しかし考えねばならない事は山の様にあります。でも、聴いていて下さった皆さんのお陰で、とっても楽しく歌う事が出来ました!それが私達の音楽にとって、最も大切な事の一つです。本当にどうもありがとう!!!   (tomo)4695afe5.JPG

ありがとうございました。  (A)

After the stage, supported by some praising words from people including flattering, I told myself, "It went pretty good."
Frankly, it eased me a bit because I "slightly" messed up a few times.
After leaving the cafe, Tomo pointed out those moments to me. Sometimes she catches more mistakes I made than I can recognize by myself.
Now I have to check it on the MD. Looking at and accepting the reality is the first step to improve.
This is my usual procedure after stage. In that way, ATOMO is definitely making steady progress day by day.
Thank you so much for sharing the time with us.  (A)

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