こんなとこに一括りとして扱ってあつかましいかもしれないが、同じ男女デュオグループとして彼らの演奏を観たいとずっと思っていた。(TOMOは前に一度観ている。)この公演が近いことを彼らのウェブサイトで見つけたとき、この時ばかりは衝動的に行くと決めた。そしてその価値は多分にあった。魅了された。全てが洗練されすぎ速すぎて、音楽的に盗めたものはなかった。どれだけすごいかって。 とにかくチョットでも写真を撮ろうと思う暇がなかったぐらいだ。で何も学べなかったのか?あるといえば、パティに穴が開くのではないかと思えるぐらいのタックの視線だろうか。ぼくがタックに関して一番覚えているのはそれだ。彼はきっとパティの体から放たれる全ての情報をキャッチしてあの正確なリズムとビートをキープしているのだろう。しかし、彼が一人で演奏しているときでも彼の視線は鋭く、しかしときにはどこに視点を結んでいるのか分からないものだった。集中の表われなのだろう。その姿は、ギタリストによく見られる自己陶酔とは大分違うと感じた。
彼らのウェブサイトを見れば分かるが、タックは努力の人だ。ぼくはそういうアーティストが好きだ。そういう人の生き方と、音楽に対する姿勢が。 (A)
なにはともあれ、素敵な一時をくれた彼らに、本当に感謝です。 (tomo)
As a man & woman duo group, though it might be quite impudent to categorize us in one here, I wanted to see their show for a long time (Tomo had had once before). When I found it in their web site a several days ahead, I impulsively decided to go this time. And, it was more than worth going indeed. It was fascinating. And I enjoyed. Everything was too sophisticated and passed too fast to grab. How much great were they? Well, as much as I forgot to even think about taking any pictures. Then didn't I learn anything? Well maybe it's Tuck's gaze watching Patti as if it would have penetrated Patti's body. That's what I recall most about Tuck. He must be trying to receive all the signals emitted from Patti to keep the precise rhysm and beat. However, even playing solo, his eyes were very sharp, but sometimes not known on what they focused. The way he consentrate, I believe. I thought it was very different from the ordinary guitar players, who are infatuated with their own sounds.
Well, surfing on their web site will have you guess easily that he is a man of diligence. I like such artists. The way they live. The way they face to music. (A)
First of all, I just want to say how they are great.
They've been toghether for a long time with just guitar and vocals. Besides they still keep attracting the audience everytime they play. That's truly incredible.
When I watched their show about 3 years sgo, they already sounded so perfect for me. But amazingly, they've been grwoing and showed us all about it. That's awesome.
I'm not well versed in guitar things, so I'm writing here about a great singer, Patti. (Well, but of course I see how great his playing the guitar!) There are bunch of things that I want to mention her, but I'm picking up here two most impressive things.
I wonder how fast she breathes without breaking music running. This was keeping my eyes on her throughout their show. And she was telling us messages of "love and peace" about the way she feels. The energy came out through her whole body. That made me move.
We had a really great night there. We wanted to talk with them after their show, but this time, we couldn't make it. They had their second show up coming.
I'd really like to thank them to give us such a wonderful time!! (tomo)
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