アコースティック・ギター/ボーカル・デュオのATOMOです。 ホームページへは右のプロフィール内 [ATOMO website] から入ることができます。
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We're going to play at a live cafe called ARETHA next month! We are very happy to play here especially because it's in our town, Toyonaka!! We can go there by bike, and it takes only about 15 miniutes! This place was just born in this September. I fell in love here at the first time we visited. This cafe owed by a very nice couple is so smart, well desighned, and cozy . The first time we went there, they kindly ask us to play. We played 3 songs and had a really fun night!! We really appreciate it. On that day, the master, George and his friend played some old good popular songs. Their voices were so clear and strong. I felt the power of the voices afresh by hearing them. That was beautiful.
And personally, there's another good point, "ARETHA" was named after the great Gospel singer, Aretha Franklin! She's one of my favorites!!! I was so excited when I saw this name on the web!!
Among so many good points, but the best one I felt was the quality of the sound. They have a great sound there. I could sing very very comfortably. The ceiling is very high and that may be one of the factors. They told us how they cared to build this place for music. That's really great! They also serve good foods and hospitalities! We talked a lot, but I wanted to more!! We are going to play here Sunday on November 25th. Come and see how wonderful here with your own eyes!!! (tomo)
そしてもう一つ、私個人的に感激したのがお店の名前。「ARETHA」とは偉大なるゴスペルシンガー、Arethe Franklinから取ったとの事。私の大好きなシンガーの一人で、webでお店の名前を見た時から興奮していました。
たくさんの素晴らしい面々の中でも、一番はやはり、その素晴らしい音響です。物凄い良いです。本当に心地よく歌わせて頂きました。お店の天井は高く、それも要因の一つなのかな?音にはとてもこだわって設計されたとおっしゃっていました。素晴らしいです。食事もおいしく、お二人が温かく迎えて下さいます。私達もたくさんお話したのですが、まだまだお話したかった!11月25日の日曜日に演奏させて頂きます。是非いらして、ここの素晴らしさを体感して下さいね!! (tomo)
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[05/30 pato]
[11/03 YUE]
[10/21 みき]
[09/11 しんきち]
[02/03 kayu(clap the hands)]
忍者ブログ [PR]