やっとサイト用にサンプルファイルを作ったというのに、アップロードできない。調べたところ、一つのファイルサイズに制限があった。3MB・・・。そんな・・・無理だ。他の手段を探さねばならない。自分の曲を載せて聴いてもらうサイトがあることは知っているのだが、どうも気が進まない・・・。というか、今あるのはまだただの素材のようなものだから・・・。 (A)
For a start, we would like to thank Mr. Akiyama, the host of the event we participated yesterday, for inviting us as a player, which we discourteously forgot to address from the stage.
Now, we, quiet duo, were applied between the powerful rock'n'roll bands, like the bottom of a roller coaster, so that his intention of a unique atmosphere for the event could be realized. And it surely supported the theme of the event,"irrational," I hope. Though it was not personally satisfing outcome, we might extract some samples out of 8 songs we played for our sound sources on our website.
Thanks again to him and to "irrationalists" who enjoyed a confortable Sunday afternoon together. (A)
最後にもう一度、秋山さん、並びに日曜日の午後を一緒に過した"不条理好き"である会場の皆さんありがとうございました。 (A)
First of all, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Akiyama! We really appreciate this opportunity. It was my fault that we didn't mention it on stage. It completely slipped out of my mind. I am very sorry. We really had a good experience. I've learned a lot and I hope these things make me grow. Thanks! (tomo)
まず初めに、イベントに誘って頂いた秋山さん、どうもありがとうございました!ステージ上で言うべきが、すっかり頭から飛んでしまっていて、MC失格でした。貴重な経験をさせて頂いて、とても楽しかったです。またこれを糧にできたらいいです。ありがとうございました! (tomo)
Haruki-kun, thanks for photos!!
But the one on 20th is on schedule!!
Thank you. (tomo)
宜しくお願いします。 (tomo)
We're gonna play at RJ (Nishinomiya) on 19th and ICHIBANBOSHI-SYOKUDO(Shinkaichi) on 20th.
Please go to "INFORMATION" on our site to check it out! We'll be so happy to see you there!!
皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。是非来て下さいね! (tomo)
We joined open mike night at RJ, as usual.
It started at 7pm, and finished at about 11:30pm!! Many musicians were there!
I wanted to play our latest song called "The Light " with new version, but we couldn't make it.
Next time, we will!!
Now we're making another new song, so I hope we can play both at next open mike there!
This event at RJ is really speciall for us. Thanks everyone there!!! (tomo)
RJでのセッションデーは、私達にとっては本当に特別です。どうもありがとうございました!! (tomo)
Last night we played at Happy Laura. We shared the event with other 4 units.
In these days, we've been very busy doing our own stuff. Almost a month had passed since we played last time. This short interval between performances made me feel good things a lot. First, I felt that I was able to control my voice nearly perfectly. That was the biggest harvest for me. And second, I reassured how much I loved to sing! When you learn or get something, I think it's really important to take some breaks. Then you'll see what you want the most.
Thanks to all there! (tomo)
昨夜も皆さん、ありがとうございました! (tomo)
Did ATOMO candy guide you here?
We've been giving away candies with our website on them since last month!
If you're lucky? or when you come to see our performance, you will also get one! We have assorted ones, so it's surprise which one you will get! Well, they're just ordinary candies... See you at our gig coming up on next Sunday, 22nd!!!
今朝、テレビのスイッチをつけて今日一日の準備をしていたら、聞き覚えのある旋律が流れてきた。思わずその音源に惹きつけられたぼくはテレビの前にいた。新作映画の記者会見だった。そこで森山直太朗氏が歌を歌っていた。曲名も曲のどの部分かも知らないが、とにかくぼくらの曲「光」に似ていた。もちろん歌詞までは同じではないので、メロディーが、ぼくが書いたメロディーに似ていた。自分が正しければ、4小節は同じであるか、少なくとも「光」を連想させる。ぼくらが無名である限り大した問題はないだろうが、もし誰かがぼくらの曲を聞いて、盗作だと思われてしまったらそれは全く不本意なことであるし、その逆を想像する人はまず居ないだろう。ここにこのようなことを書いたとしても何の解決にもならないかもしれないが、何かしら言わないではいられない。ただ、ぼく一人がこのメロディーに対して神経過敏であることを願う。 (A)
久しぶりに新しいところでの対バンであった。厳密に言うと訪れるのは2回目であるが、通いなれた様相の持てる場所だ。壁や棚にはきれいに整えて飾られた小物やポスター。それらが訪れる人を歓迎し、心地よさをもたらすのだろう。・・・と、まあこういう事はだいたいTomoが気付き、ぼくはいつもそういう指摘を聞いて僅かなディーテールに目をやるようになってきた。さて、今回は我々以外にあと2組(2人)の出演者で順番に演奏した。トップバッターは「闇色鍵盤」さんという方だ。とてもユニークなカラーの持ち主で彼は自作の物語を語りながら場面場面で歌を歌う。その物語はSFチックで聴く人を惹きつけて最後まで放さない。2番目が我々の出番。空気を一気にオーソドックスな音楽用に変えた。まあ、それが我々の好むものであり突き詰めたいものである。3番目は「春什八番」さんという弾き語りのアーティストだ。彼とは京都の飛び入りで初めて会った。ぼくは彼の実話に基づく唄やコマーシャルのコラージュを使った演出、そして彼のトークがとても面白いと思った。両者ともとても才能溢れるパフォーマーであり、見習うところ満載であった。 (A)
Now I can say "as usual", we joined an open mike night at RJ last Saturday. Although we arrived there on time, it was crowded already. So many people there!! And "as usual",I can say this again, this place, event and people make us grow. Thank you so much! (tomo)
先週の土曜日は、もうすっかり恒例に参加させて頂いている、RJでのセッションデー。時間通りについた私達ですが、中はすでに人でいっぱい、大盛況でした。そしていつもの事ながら、ここは私達を成長させてくれます。今回も例外なく・・・。ありがとうございました! (tomo)
We played at Happy Laura for the open mike event last night.
I'm not sure the numbers of entries last night because we had to leave there earlier. I think there were 13 entries in total. We played our two original songs called "Snowblind" and "The Sky".
Thanks everyone there! (tomo)
私達は"Snowblind"と"The Sky"を演奏しました。
皆さんありがとうございました! (tomo)
Last night we played at Happy Laura.
There were 3 other musicians played that night.
I felt those three units have something in common. That was their vocal appleal. They are quite different types yet very attractive to listen for me!
An unit played the last had hit us. Their music were much our favorite taste. After the gig, we talked with them and they said the guy on the guitar and vocal wrote all the songs. Mnn..., incredible!!
They are very good guys and so funny!
As for us, we played our very first song called "The Sky". It's been more than 6 years since last time we played. This song is about a dream which comes out strongly in my mind especially when I look to the sky. I feel many things all the time when I look up the sky.
We're gonna play there again on 4/22. If you have a time to spare, come to hear us and other good musicians playing there! And this bar gives you a good dinner, I bet!
Thanks to everyone at Happy Laura last night!!! (tomo)
昨夜はハッピーローラで行われた、La Friday という名のイベント(対バンデー)に参加させて頂きました。
私達に関しては、昨夜は久し振りのATOMOの初めてのオリジナル曲、「The Sky」 という曲を演奏しました。
ハッピーローラに昨夜いらした皆さんに・・・ ありがとうございました! (tomo)
Last night we went out to play for open mike night in Osaka.
There were 11 entries that night and many audiences were there to have some fun.
Although that was our first time to play there, we didn't get nervous and were just able to enjoy playing! We played our three original songs.
For these days I've been thinking about our latest song, "HIKARI". There must be some ways to make it brighter. Then I got it, and I'm so excited now. These kinds of feelings are one of the best parts of doing music for me.
And we met lots of musicians. They all have their individual styles of music.
We wanted to have more time to talk with them, but we had to leave there due to the time for the last train . Open mike is a really good event to get ourselves involved in music by many ways.
Thank you everyone there, especially some guys we talked. That was very fun!!
We played at one of our favorite live bars, RJ last night.
Four fabulous units played there. That was really fun!! Each unit has their original colors and it's very fun to share.
We played 7 songs including 4 our most liked cover songs.
Among our original songs, two were our old revival songs arranged the way we like more.
Well, as usuall, we have lots of things to work on, and never end as long as we play.......
Thanks to everyone being last night!! We had a good night!
Thank you!
"Should go or not": 太陽を背にした黄色い秋の葉っぱを見た時その美しさに体が硬直してしまったときの気持ちを思い出しながら、それと同じような衝撃をぼくに与えた人に対する優柔不断な気持ちを歌っています。
さて、インフルエンザはもうどっかに行ってしまいましたが、咳だけが残っています。でも演奏中ずっと舐めつづけた大根生姜アメのおかげ(?)で、なんとか歌いきることができました。 (A)
Maybe I want to write something here this time.
Because we, especially I, are not good at talking on stage and missed a chance to speak about our songs, I'll introduce them here a little bit.
"Should go or not" is singing about indecisiveness toward a beautiful someone who made the same impact on me as when I saw the autumn yellow leaves backlit by the sun.
"Snowblind" is a song about solitude. When I lived in a freezing countryside, snowfall was always beautiful. But I always missed someone who was living in down south and not being with me, and I wondered if I was being missed in the same way.
Well, though my flu was gone, remains my cough. But I was lucky that I could manage to sing through with my ginger radish candy in my mouth during our performance. (A)
"A" has been down with flu. It's very unusual for him even to get sick!!
So, for these days, ATOMO has not been active at all.
He's now okay, but still not on prefect condition to go out to play,
so we just stay home and practice for ourself...
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