アコースティック・ギター/ボーカル・デュオのATOMOです。 ホームページへは右のプロフィール内 [ATOMO website] から入ることができます。 Click on [ATOMO website] in "PROFILE" to our website.
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自分の書いた曲に対して誰かに歌詞をつけてもらうことは、自分としては単なる怠慢であった。しかし今回、ぼくのようになかなか楽曲を作り出せない人間にはそのような方法がかなり建設的であると感じた。それは単に作業が減って楽になるからということではない。できあがった楽曲が思っていたより良くなったと思ったからだ。それはおそらくぼくがはじめに設定した音符が歌詞によってくっ付けられたり、または切り離されたりしたことで、微かであるが、予想もしていなかったようなリフが生まれ、それがもともとのメロディーを際立たせたからだと思っている。だから多くの人がそのような楽曲の作り方をしているのだろう。といっても、ぼくはやっぱり自分で作り上げたいと思ってしまう。   (A)

I used to feel that letting someone write words to my music is only my lazybones, but I felt that this is quite a constructive way for those who can hardly bear songs like me.  I am saying this not because I got less things to do.  I felt the song became better than I was imagining.  It is possibly because the original notes applied words are divided or merged in an unexpected manner, so it produced slight different riffs.  Consequently it added some spices on the original melody line.  That might be why many people do in this way to make songs.  Still I wish to complete it on my own, though.   (A)

e5aa83a3.JPG 小田さん写真ありがとう!
この日のイベントはデュオグループをフィーチャーしたものだったが、終わってみると、ATOMO以外どのグループにも凄腕ギタリストがいるという印象が強かった。しかし「デュオ」がテーマだったためATOMOも呼んでもらえた、そんな気がした。それにしてもこの日のセットリストは全て自作曲という記念すべき日であった。   (A)

This day was featured in duo groups, but after all I had an impression that all but ATOMO had great guitarists in the groups.  I think, fortunately, because of the theme "Duo Group", we were invited to the event.  Anyways, the song list for the day consisted of all our songs, which was a milestone event for us.   (A)

I don't get nervous when I sing these days, but I did on that night. 
The reason I can think of is that we played with all our songs this time. When we play any cover, I am kind of "for sure" because of the good tunes. But this time, I'm not really sure how audience feel about our stage by just our songs. 
After all, I'll never know about these answers, but anyway I feel super great !!!!!
Well, and I think that's the way the art (music) exists. 
Thanks to KEN-NYE-san and all people there!!   (tomo)

金曜日お会いした皆様と、KEN-NYEさんに感謝!   (tomo)


2次会では、彼のバンド仲間の集いであるだけに、昔の洋楽ロックを中心に12曲、メンバー入れ替わり立ち代りのバンドで更に盛り上がった。ぼくはSupertrampの曲を歌わせてもらった。10年ぶりのバンドのボーカルに気分が高揚した。弾き語りも2曲(Billy Joelと映画"Desperado"の挿入歌)歌わせてもらい、多少の愛嬌を含め無事終了した。驚くべきことに、集まったプレーヤー達はみな、10数年ぶりの再会だったらしいが、その演奏はビシッと一丸となっていた。
それより、ギターの飛行機内持込みを無料にして欲しい。 (A)

It wasn't a part of ATOMO activity, but I would like to jot it down here about the event on the other day, which I spent a great time.
It was about the aforementioned my friend's wedding reception.  There I played a song, "Married Men" that I wrote about him in a tune of "Amayadori", and a great song from Extreme with him.
In the following party, we played 12 of US and European old rocks with bands.  The players, who were all his old "music friends," mingled , so the band was formed among them according to the songs.  I sang of Supertramp.  It was about 10 years since I had played in a band.  It made me excited.  Add to that I sang to my guitar 2 more songs, from Billy Joel and from the movie "Desperado", and I could finish without a major catastrophe.  They said the players were reunited there for the first time in a decade, but the performance was surprisingly tight and firm.
Besides that, I want the guitar carried in the cabin to be free of charge.   (A) 


Our gig is drawing near!! It's been quite a long time since we played in public last time.
On Friday 16th, we're gonna play at ARETHA where it's coming to be like our nest to play!
I feel very cozy to play there, and we're always looking forward to playing at this place!!
On next Friday 23rd, we're playing at kind of a new place called LAGUNA BEACH. We've played there once before.
At that time, we played with band, and was not in ATOMO style though.
A friend of us kindly invited us to play in his event. This guy and we often join the open mike event held at RJ.
Well, we hope we could play our new songs!!! And hope to see you there!!!!   (tomo)

23日の金曜日は神戸のLAGUNA BEACHです。新境地でありますが、以前に一度演奏した事があります。
とにかく!新曲をご披露できれば(自分達が)幸いです!!遊びに来て下さいね!!!  (tomo)

Photo: from one of my favorite places, by tomo

fd10ff70.jpg 2221b9ef.jpgPhotos by Tomo
一番新しい曲がTOMOから戻ってきた。しかし歌詞がついてない。どうやらその曲から何も思い浮かぶものがないらしい。しかし無理もない。ぼくも当初から何も思いつかないからだ。おそらく、この曲には普通の3和音以外メロディーなどにもこれといって特徴的なものがないからだろう。リズムを取ってみても同じだ。ならば逆に、どんなテーマの歌詞でもつけることはできるということだ。そんなこと書くと大した曲ではないように思われるかも知れないが、うーんどうであろう。ぼくは気に入っている。それがポップソングの一面であると思えばよい。まずは今回ぼくが書いたもう一曲に歌詞がついたとTOMOから発表されるのを心待ちにしている。   (A)

Without words, the last tune I wrote was returned from TOMO. She said it doesn't bring anything to her mind. I can't blame her because it hasn't done to me, either. That might be because its melody or chords doesn't contain any special notes besides regular triads, and not so does rythm. Conversely, any lyrics in any theme could fit for this tune. Writing so might sound it's boring, uh... I don't know. I like it. That could be one of the dimentions of pop songs. Now, I am hoping my first tune will be releised from TOMO soon.   (A)

2609c223.jpgPhotos by TOMO
しかし、本当の「問題」はATOMOのライブが次の週に続いていることだ。この状況において、結婚式に向けた練習が最優先されているが、自分達のをなおざりにするわけにも、もちろんいかない。この2ヶ月間あたふたしていることだろう。   (A)


 My friend's wedding is in May.  I am going to sing a song called "Amayadori" by Mr. Sada, but I have put my own lyrics to it for this special occasion.  It's parody.  I wrote it a few days ago, but now I have to memorize it.  Because its original lyrics is carved into my tongue, replacing it even to what I wrote is very hard.  Besides, I will play 3 more cover songs that I used to play, so there shouldn't be a big problem.
However, the problem is that our gig is following in next weeks.  Under this circumstances, though my practicing for the wedding celemony gets my 1st priority, I can't put our stuff aside, of course.  These 2 months is going to be hectic!   (A)


それとは別に、去年から取り組んでいる2曲をやっと終わらせることができた。今はTOMOの手中にあって、歌詞が付けられるのを待つばかりだ。長いこと後回しにされているもう一曲も仕上げたい。それでなんとか1セット分のステージを自分達の曲で占めることができるようになるのだ。思い返せば去年曲ができたのもこの季節だった。 一年中曲が書けるといいのだが。  (A)

It's been a while since we updated our site last time.
I have individually been working on songs that I'm going to play at my friend's wedding reception where I am being invited.
Besides, I finally finished 2 tunes that I had been working on since last year.  Now they are in TOMO's hands waiting for her words to be on.  I want to finish one more song that I have also been putting off, so that we can occupy at least one set of our performance with our original songs!  Recalling last year, it was this time of year when I wrote the last tune.  I wish I am able to write songs all around the year.   (A)

*Photo by TOMO 


Because kids were just very cute, I don't remember how I performed through out the show.
I see kids everyday in my job, and I learn a lot of things from them. 
And this time, they mended me a lot.
This opportunity made me realize how great childrends are.
Thank all the people for helping us play at a school!!   (tomo)

力になって下さった全ての方に、ありがとうございました!!   (tomo)

話は変わるが、今回ぼくは子供達をあることで感心させることができ嬉しかった。「わあ!」「スゲー!」そんなどよめきを聞いたのはぼくがボソボソっと言った次の言葉の反応であった。「このマイクスタンドはぼくが作りました…」本当のことだ。子供達の尊敬の眼差しを一斉に浴びたのだ。そこの学校にはブームスタンドが無いということで、水道パイプや古いギタースタンドを使って、以前作った軽量コンパクトマイクスタンドを持っていったのだった。ぼくはどのように作ったかの講義を一席持ちたい気持ちに見舞われたが、続く演目へ移るためにこらえた。子供達にとってのスーパーヒーローは正義の味方何とかマンでなくとも、工作が得意なクラフトマンにもなれそうだ。  (A)

It was a quite interesting situation we were in. Our audience was all students in the 1st grade with their parents and teachers. Needless to say, the kids were full of distraction. I am not saying they are noisy or annoying.  It was because they were so cute.  In any way they move and react, that motions were so pure and adorable, and my mind strayed to enjoy watching them. They followed TOMO's call, sang along and enjoyed. However, because of that, it was hard to focus on my guitar play. I am not a guitarist that can play without thinking.
By the way, I was happy about being able to impress them by one thing.  "Cool!" and "Super!" I heard the hubbub when I mumblingly say,"This mic stand is my hand made..." And they paid respect in their eyes to look at me. Yes, I brought my hand made light-weighted-compact-microphone stand that I converted from a guitar stand using some water pipes since we had been informed the school didn't have boom stands. I was so urged to instruct its recipe, but I managed to hold myself to move on. Their super hero doesn't have to be Superman. A handicraftsman will do too.   (A)

P2020048-s.jpg Mr. M, Thank you very much for the photo!
I want to thank all the people who were there that night!
Despite raining and cold night, some people came from a far place. We appreciated it a lot.
I got a lot of things to improve, but I could sing so comfortably that night.
By the way, we noticed some of them brought their own chopstics to have dinner!
That's so nice. Thank you!! We will take them as a model!
We're going to make many(I hope) new songs this year to give us a birth with more ATOMO color.
Thank you so much and I hope we could see you again!!   (tomo)

ところでお客様の中に、MY箸 をお持ちで夕食を召し上がっている方がいらっしゃいました。
素晴らしい!! ありがとうございます。私達も見習います。
お越し頂いた皆様に、また会える事を祈って!   (tomo)

それにしても、新しいものを生みながら、既存のものをさらに試行錯誤する。この2つをしっかり同時進行させなくてはいけない難しさを感じている。   (A)

We wanted aquire something from this 1st gig this year as Tomo mentioned the other day.
So I revised some harmony lines of our songs.  Making vague and unsettled lines clear.  Add to that, I tried to sing loud enough in order to be able to keep my notes right instead of trying to sing at a top of my tongue so as not to bury TOMO's lead.  Also, while playing my guitar, I recalled what "Mr. Gen" commented at our last gig about my fingering.
As a result, it helped ease my tension to play 2 stages a night.  Athough it didn't go perfecty, it went ok.  I mean I could get fairly good outcome though it wasn't drastic.
Nevertheless, we have to produce new songs while making attempts on our works.  Processing these two tasks at the same time has been hard on us.   (A)


てくださいね。   (tomo)

On Saturday February 2nd, We're going to play at cafe and restaurant, called ARETHA in Toyonaka(near from Sone station on Hankyu railway).
Thinking over what our music is, we are trying to make this first gig for this year to be great.
Come and enjoy with us!   (tomo)


そんな私達の今年第一号ライブはもうすぐです!   (tomo)

The other day, an unpleasant incident occured. 
We went out to see someone we know in a gig.
After the gig was over, I spoke to that person. He stared at my face for a while, and then started to talk to another person near by without saying anything to me. I was kind of shocked, and lost my words. 
The more I recalled the moment, the stronger anger emerged in my feeling.
There were lots of audience in that place, and we are not that close to get in touch with him personally. 
And he might have been drunk deeply so that it might have been hard for him to recognize me.
Then so what?
But I believe that it's ettiquet among human beings to greet back when someone greets you. Besides, he always gives reasons through the music for what people should be. 
That's very poor, rather ridiculous to me.

Well, but an anger yields nothing.
We just keep focusing on ourselves to grow our music.
And our first gig for this year is drawing near!   (tomo)


My eye opener to the American / European pop music was Dan Fogelberg.  Not so many people seems to recognize this name in Japan, but many must have heard his songs in 70's and 80's.
When I was in a school in the states, my English teacher used one of Dan's songs in her class.  Since then, American pop songs quickly became close to me.  His music might be categorized in country rock music, where the Eagles is.  What makes him different from others is its theme.  A lot of his songs are dedicated to wildlife.  He shows his gratitudes in his pieces towords the mother of nature including what was inherited from native Americans.
In today's world, where many environmental movement is permeating, it's a shame that we have lost one of these artists who could more enlighten the issue to people.  Yes, he deceased just a month ago.  I found it out a few days ago in his HP anouncing his death.  I knew he had been struggling with advanced prostate cancer for years, but the news was still hard to take.  Imagining that the cancer might have started to nest in his body when I went to see him in his concert with Tomo in Los Angeles, my heart aches.
Here I'll pray for the souls of the great artist, who returned to where he loved.   (A)

ぼくの目を洋楽に向かせたきっかけになったのがDan Fogelbergの歌だった。日本で、この名前を聞いてすぐにピンとくる人は少ないと思うが、70-80年代、多くの人が彼の曲を聞いたことがあるに違いない。
ここで彼の愛した大自然へと召されたこの偉大なアーティストのご冥福をお祈りしたい。   (A)
Photo by tomo

To Dan,
Thank you for your music and souls in it.


During the last year, ATOMO completed 3 songs.  Among them, two are TOMO's pieces while I was being stranded.  As ATOMO, we appreciate these outcomes, but as for me, it wasn't the way I want it to be last year.  However, I got a couple of ideas from that struggle.  This year, I want to embody at least these tunes.  In addition, we will not forget to work on the songs from last year to polish them.
I would appreciate it if you keep your eyes on us through this year.   (A)

皆が健康で幸せでありますように。   (tomo)

"You can hear with your ears, you can talk, you can see things through your eyes, you can move your body as you want. Then what kind of things you CANNOT do? "
"No lions is a menace than a death."
My mom used to tell me these words. 
They're really true.
I've been always with these mom's words, so first time when I went to the U.S., I was all alone, but I didn't feel any fears at all.
Nothing is not really sad or bad if you remember these words when you face your difficulties.
These words tell me I can do anything that I want, and they are all gifts on my life.
This year is going to be a kind of my turning year. It's just a part of my life's history, but it's also a good chance to think about myself again. 
We will light up our ATOMO's life too!!
May happiness fall upon all the people.   (tomo)

今年、The Lightの曲を書いたとき、これから次々と新しい曲が書けそうだと感じたことが、このサイトを立ち上げるよい原動力となりました。カバー曲にではなく、自分達の楽曲の方にATOMOの表現の場を移していける予感がしたのです。お陰さまで、今年発表できた数曲のオリジナルにも、嬉しいコメントを多数いただけたことに感謝しています。加えて、多くの場所でライブをさせていただけたこと、多くの方に聴いていただけたことにも感謝の念でいっぱいです。ありがとうございました。  (A)

When finishing the song "The Light," I felt some positive feeling like "we could continue writing new songs," and "we had better express our color into our originals than in covers," developing.  And that's what proded us to open our website.  Fortunately, we were able to write some new songs, and received very nice feedbacks to them.  Moreover, we had a great opportunity to play at many venues, and share with many people.  We are so happy and don't know how to express how much we appreciate it.  Thank you.    (A)

Again, we are here at an internet cafe to spend a night just like the last time.  We always miss the last train after La Pura Vida, but that is pretty fun. 
After the gig, a guy pointed out my mistakes and said, "Your fingers were a bit stiffer tonight than the last time, weren't they?."  I lost my words.  And I was sorry about that, but I felt so appreciated the words at the same time because then I could know some people are watching and listening to us with serious eyes and ears.  Actually these days, I spared more time on writing songs, and our practice might be a bit behind...  But we are so glad to be listened so closely.  He asked us shakehands saying "I will be supporting you guys," as we said goodbye.  Thank you Mr. Gen (sobriquet) for your backup!   (A)

再びここ、インターネットカフェにいる。前回同様、La Pura Vidaでのライブの後、最終電車に乗り遅れて一夜を明かすためだ。しかし、これもなかなか楽しいもんである。
演奏の後、ある男性からぼくの演奏についてのダメ出しをいただいた。「前回に比べて、ちょっと指の動きが悪かったんじゃないの?」絶句してしまった。申し訳ないという思いと同時に大変ありがたいと思ったのだ。われわれの演奏を厳しい目と耳で見て、聴いてくれている方がいることが分かったからだ。事実最近、曲作りに時間を割きすぎて練習を疎かにしているふしもあった。しかしそのように注意して聴いて、観てくれていることがとてもうれしい。別れ際に「応援しているよ」と握手していただいた。源さんよ(注:仮名)、ありがとう!  (A)


Merry Christmas!

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