新たに不定期イベント「オープン・マイク・デー」がRJにて企画され、ぼくらは今回それに出演することになった。RJのマンスリーイベントである「セッション・デー」へのエントリーをその人気さゆえに逸し続ける演者たちが、マスターの心意気により「召集」されたようである。ありがたや。ありがたや。よく知っている方々もいれば、初めての方々も何人かいた。やはりライブをみるのは楽しく、いい刺激になった。 A
An irregular event "Open Mike Day" was newly organazed at RJ, and we were happened to play there. Those who keep missing sighning up the monthly RJ event "Session Day" because of its high demand seems to be "summoned" due to the master's courtesy. Thanks to the master. We saw some familiar faces and unfamiliar ones there. It was a fun and a good stimula for me to see live performances. A
大阪へ帰る電車のためにそこを出る時、その出演者リストはいっぱいになっていた。チラシを置いてくることはできたが、残念ながら幾人かの出番待ちのプレーヤーを聴けないままその場を後にした。 (A)
It occured to us that doing a promotion act in Kyoto would be a good idea for our coming gig at Arashiyama on 12/14.
This open mike supposedly starts at 7:00pm, and the acts go by first come, first served basis. but here everybody seems to be slow starters. Getting there around 7:30, we were still the 4th on the sign up sheet. On the 5th's arrival, the show started. Here people rather choose to be alone, so the stage was the only chance to promote ourselves, though not a lot did we talk like other time...
At the time we had to leave and catch our train back to Osaka, the players' list got to the bottom. Leaving some fliers on a shelf, we regreted to leave some awaiting musicians without listening. (A)
RJ, more than its full capa as usual
On Saturday, we joined the open mike night at RJ. Because it's very popular event, now it's a quite hard to play there. It has already passed three months since we joined it last time. And we don't know when the next time will be.
Anyway, it's still very special for us to play there. And it's also a big treat for us to see some friends who have the same passion with us.
As for our playing, It was not good very much..... But actually I didn't get nervous so much, so there's something else I have to think about it.
Well, but that was a great night as usulal!! (tomo)
土曜日の夜、RJのセッションデーに参加しました。 とても人気のイベントなので、参加するのが難しくなってきてます。私達も三ヶ月ぶり。とはいえやはりRJでの演奏は私達にとっては感慨深いものです。同じ情熱を持った同志達に会えるのも大きな楽しみの一つです。
ともかく、いつものように、素晴らしい夜いでした!! (tomo)
A's work
We joined an open mike night at RJ last Saturday. It's been quite a long time since we played there and also in public last time. It is very confortable to play at the place we know very well, but it also causes big nervous for me... Well, but it was a fun night as always!
Now we're spending our music life pretty slow, but surely making songs to continue lighting up the passion for it.
I finished a song lately, and actually I already have an another idea for the next song!!!
I hope to make a full stage with all our original songs. That's our closest goal lying ahead! (tomo)
いつか、フルセットを全てオリジナルで演奏できる様に・・・、それが私達の当面の目標です! (tomo)
たくさんの音楽仲間達にも、ありがとうです。また来年も宜しくお願いします!! (tomo)
On last Saturday, we went out to RJ for the last playing there this year. The greetings, "See you next year!" made me miss them already. That means this place is really becoming very special for us. All the time we visit there, there are some familiar faces we can recognize, and that makes me feel so glad. Everyone expresses themselves through their music. And that is so nice. We were very happy to join this event at the end of this year. Next time we could join this is going to be in May. How popular this event is now!!
Now, because it's in a holiday season, some musicians played Christmas songs. They were very romantic. However, we are not good at it (especially, "A" is that kind of person). Among them, we just concentrated on our playing. Because I seldom dress up, and I have no make-up on, I was gazing at the girls who disguised as Santa Clauses! They (these girls are called Clap The Hands, female chorus group) were very cute!!
For these days, I think I found a bit of how I want to express myself through our music and my singing. Our improvement is defenetly based on those places that give us to play. Thank you so much for making us grow a lot! I hope we could spend on those happy days next year too!! (tomo)
About our performings last night, was not very bad. At least, finally I didn't get nervous yesterday and could concentrate on singing. This is my first time not to get nervous at RJ's open mike. The amount of our practice and confidence on our songs may be the main factors. I think the number of being on stages makes them possible. Yes, experiences are very important to get you through the things.
I really thank these events. Thanks for making us grow!!
I'm looking forward to playing for next open mike here!! But before that, we're going to play a gig sharing with other musicians on Novenber 10th. On the very next day, we have anothe gig at Cafe One Drop at TANI-9.
私達は日々成長しています。演奏を是非観にいらして下さいね。一緒に音楽を楽しみましょう!! (tomo)
水曜日に、久々(ほぼ半年ぶりです!)に京都の飛び入りデーに参加してきました。何人かはご存知の方々がいらっしゃいました。何故だかわからないですが、セッションや飛び入りの時は本当にめちゃくちゃ緊張してしまいます。ここは大きなステージに良い音響で、とても心地よく演奏させて頂きましたが。いくつか大きな収穫もありました。全ての諺や言い習わしがそうである様に、これも本当にその通りです。「千回の練習よりも一回の本番」 (tomo)
いつも通り、今夜も考えさせられる事満載の、RJでのセッションデーでした。この日が終わるといつもとても落ち込みます。今回も例外ではありません。木曜日に落ち込んだばかりなのに・・・。本当に私達の音楽は長い長い道のりです。特に私は歌に関して。それは決して終わる事はなく、けれど私の人生を深めてくれます。苦はありません、音楽が好きで、そして何よりそれ無しでは生きていけませんから! (tomo)
久しぶりの演奏だった。何とか新曲を・・・と曲作りに専念していてここ2週間以上どこでも演奏していない。その甲斐あって先日やっと曲ができあがり、今はTOMOが詩を・・・とそれはまたの時に。今は昨日のことを書かなくてはいけない。昨日は凄いものを見せてもらった。おそらくあれが大阪インディーズの真髄なのだろう・・・か?14組中の約半数の出演者の力強かったこと。一種のスポーツとも呼べるくらいの体を使った自己表現に圧倒された。そこに絶妙なトークを交えさせることができるのが大阪人アーティストなのだろう。こんな狭い紙面では書ききれるわけも無い。とにかく楽しかった、がぼくにはできない。 (A)
It's been a while since our last stage. We've been trying to write a new song without performing at anywhere for more than 2 weeks. Thanks to God, I could finally write a new one, and now it's in Tomo's hands for lyrics... Well, it's another story. I have to put something here from the last night. It was a great night. That must be the core spirit of "Osakan Indies," mustn't it? The half of 14 entries' powerful performances didn't let me react to their self expression using the whole body. I would call it sports. Moreover, that is the real Osakan artists to be able to add some funny talks. It's impossible for me to write about it in this limitted space. All I can say here is that it was great, but I can not do it. (A)
Last night, we joined the open mike night at RJ, as usual. Well, but actually, it was not the same this time because it was Sunday yesterday. And this was the first month they had open mike nights both on Saturday and Sunday. I think this event is getting very popular!! I'm happy for RJ! The condition was the same as the one on Saturday. But atmosphere was quite different. I felt time was passing draggingly, and everyone looked very relaxed. But I still got nervous! I don't know why, but all the time I sing in this event, I get nervous for sure.... Anyway it was a fun night! Thanks everyone there!! (tomo)
昨夜は恒例、RJでのセッションデーに参加させて頂きました。 しかしいつもと違うのは、昨日が日曜日だったという事です。今月初、月二回のセッションデーでした。つまり!このセッションデーが大人気になってきているという事ですよね。マスター達に乾杯です。条件はいつもと同じでしたが、雰囲気はかなり違いました。まったりとした時が流れ、皆さんリラックスされてる様な気がしました。しかし私は緊張しました!ここでのセッションデーではいつも何故かこうなのです・・・。ともかく、楽しい夜でした。皆さんありがとう!! (tomo)
We joined open mike night at RJ, as usual.
It started at 7pm, and finished at about 11:30pm!! Many musicians were there!
I wanted to play our latest song called "The Light " with new version, but we couldn't make it.
Next time, we will!!
Now we're making another new song, so I hope we can play both at next open mike there!
This event at RJ is really speciall for us. Thanks everyone there!!! (tomo)
RJでのセッションデーは、私達にとっては本当に特別です。どうもありがとうございました!! (tomo)
Now I can say "as usual", we joined an open mike night at RJ last Saturday. Although we arrived there on time, it was crowded already. So many people there!! And "as usual",I can say this again, this place, event and people make us grow. Thank you so much! (tomo)
先週の土曜日は、もうすっかり恒例に参加させて頂いている、RJでのセッションデー。時間通りについた私達ですが、中はすでに人でいっぱい、大盛況でした。そしていつもの事ながら、ここは私達を成長させてくれます。今回も例外なく・・・。ありがとうございました! (tomo)
We played at Happy Laura for the open mike event last night.
I'm not sure the numbers of entries last night because we had to leave there earlier. I think there were 13 entries in total. We played our two original songs called "Snowblind" and "The Sky".
Thanks everyone there! (tomo)
私達は"Snowblind"と"The Sky"を演奏しました。
皆さんありがとうございました! (tomo)
Last night we went out to play for open mike night in Osaka.
There were 11 entries that night and many audiences were there to have some fun.
Although that was our first time to play there, we didn't get nervous and were just able to enjoy playing! We played our three original songs.
For these days I've been thinking about our latest song, "HIKARI". There must be some ways to make it brighter. Then I got it, and I'm so excited now. These kinds of feelings are one of the best parts of doing music for me.
And we met lots of musicians. They all have their individual styles of music.
We wanted to have more time to talk with them, but we had to leave there due to the time for the last train . Open mike is a really good event to get ourselves involved in music by many ways.
Thank you everyone there, especially some guys we talked. That was very fun!!
There were 8 entries tonight.
We played one of our old songs, called "Snowblind".
Last time we played this song was about 6 years ago!!
We arranged a lot to add more our taste than before.
We hope it'll become our masterpiece!! (tomo)
私達の代表曲のうちの一つになるといいです。 (tomo)
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