It was our first day time gig. YUE had chosen us as her counter player who would suit her lunch time show, and I am wondering how we sounded. As for us, playing whether the sun is still up or not doesn't make any difference in terms of uplifting our feeling. As we play winter songs in summer, our song selection isn't based on the season. Perhaps "pops" is a kind of all round music which will do for any situation. Actually, we wish we had too many songs to chose. That's true. She writes good songs; that is another truth. (A)
この日のイベントはデュオグループをフィーチャーしたものだったが、終わってみると、ATOMO以外どのグループにも凄腕ギタリストがいるという印象が強かった。しかし「デュオ」がテーマだったためATOMOも呼んでもらえた、そんな気がした。それにしてもこの日のセットリストは全て自作曲という記念すべき日であった。 (A)
This day was featured in duo groups, but after all I had an impression that all but ATOMO had great guitarists in the groups. I think, fortunately, because of the theme "Duo Group", we were invited to the event. Anyways, the song list for the day consisted of all our songs, which was a milestone event for us. (A)
I don't get nervous when I sing these days, but I did on that night.
The reason I can think of is that we played with all our songs this time. When we play any cover, I am kind of "for sure" because of the good tunes. But this time, I'm not really sure how audience feel about our stage by just our songs.
After all, I'll never know about these answers, but anyway I feel super great !!!!!
Well, and I think that's the way the art (music) exists.
Thanks to KEN-NYE-san and all people there!! (tomo)
金曜日お会いした皆様と、KEN-NYEさんに感謝! (tomo)
Mr. M, Thank you very much for the photo!
I want to thank all the people who were there that night!
Despite raining and cold night, some people came from a far place. We appreciated it a lot.
I got a lot of things to improve, but I could sing so comfortably that night.
By the way, we noticed some of them brought their own chopstics to have dinner!
That's so nice. Thank you!! We will take them as a model!
We're going to make many(I hope) new songs this year to give us a birth with more ATOMO color.
Thank you so much and I hope we could see you again!! (tomo)
ところでお客様の中に、MY箸 をお持ちで夕食を召し上がっている方がいらっしゃいました。
素晴らしい!! ありがとうございます。私達も見習います。
お越し頂いた皆様に、また会える事を祈って! (tomo)
それにしても、新しいものを生みながら、既存のものをさらに試行錯誤する。この2つをしっかり同時進行させなくてはいけない難しさを感じている。 (A)
We wanted aquire something from this 1st gig this year as Tomo mentioned the other day.
So I revised some harmony lines of our songs. Making vague and unsettled lines clear. Add to that, I tried to sing loud enough in order to be able to keep my notes right instead of trying to sing at a top of my tongue so as not to bury TOMO's lead. Also, while playing my guitar, I recalled what "Mr. Gen" commented at our last gig about my fingering.
As a result, it helped ease my tension to play 2 stages a night. Athough it didn't go perfecty, it went ok. I mean I could get fairly good outcome though it wasn't drastic.
Nevertheless, we have to produce new songs while making attempts on our works. Processing these two tasks at the same time has been hard on us. (A)
Again, we are here at an internet cafe to spend a night just like the last time. We always miss the last train after La Pura Vida, but that is pretty fun.
After the gig, a guy pointed out my mistakes and said, "Your fingers were a bit stiffer tonight than the last time, weren't they?." I lost my words. And I was sorry about that, but I felt so appreciated the words at the same time because then I could know some people are watching and listening to us with serious eyes and ears. Actually these days, I spared more time on writing songs, and our practice might be a bit behind... But we are so glad to be listened so closely. He asked us shakehands saying "I will be supporting you guys," as we said goodbye. Thank you Mr. Gen (sobriquet) for your backup! (A)
再びここ、インターネットカフェにいる。前回同様、La Pura Vidaでのライブの後、最終電車に乗り遅れて一夜を明かすためだ。しかし、これもなかなか楽しいもんである。
演奏の後、ある男性からぼくの演奏についてのダメ出しをいただいた。「前回に比べて、ちょっと指の動きが悪かったんじゃないの?」絶句してしまった。申し訳ないという思いと同時に大変ありがたいと思ったのだ。われわれの演奏を厳しい目と耳で見て、聴いてくれている方がいることが分かったからだ。事実最近、曲作りに時間を割きすぎて練習を疎かにしているふしもあった。しかしそのように注意して聴いて、観てくれていることがとてもうれしい。別れ際に「応援しているよ」と握手していただいた。源さんよ(注:仮名)、ありがとう! (A)
Merry Christmas!
Cheers to music!!! (tomo)
I like this photo. I don't know when she took it. Don't get me wrong that I like sneak shots. This kind of unposed shot is for an unphotogenic guy. For a long set gig, we have to prepare a lot more songs than as usual. This photo should be showing my little anxiaty, shouldn't it? (A)
The owner and me(tomo) seem to have the similar taste. I really love the interior of there. Everything looks so sophisticated. Let me introduce some here.
In Tomo's MC, she introduced a story about that I am a big fan of puzzle chains. Picking up her MC, the master brought a puzzle chain to my table. Somebody in the staff has the same interest as mine.
If they rename their place as RJ&BME's live music, kitchen bar and puzzle chain, I bet more people will be attracted! Well, but actually puzzles are quite distractors against music. So, puzzles must be a secondary entertainment for no-live-music days... No! I can't play with them. (Why don't I visit on no-live-music days as well?)
Our TAIBAN live at RJ were our favarite group and also our friends, Recto Berso, and Mr. Akimoto, who met there first time that night.
Good music, foods, and chain of friends. That's RJ! (A)
ぼくが知恵の輪好きであることをTOMOがステージでしゃべったことを受けて、マスターが店にあった一つ知恵の輪を貸してくれた。スタッフにも同じ趣味の人間がいるらしい。ここの名前を"RJ&BME's live music, kitchen bar & 知恵の輪"と改名すれば、更なる客寄せ間違いなし!しかし、音楽に知恵の輪は敵かも知らんね。ライブがない日の別の顔として知恵の輪バーとすれば…でもそれではぼくが遊べない!(ライブが無い日も行けばいいって?)
当日の対バンは我々のファンであり良き友人でもあるRecto Bersoと、その日初めて知り合った秋元圭一さんであった。
Good music, foods, and 友達の輪!それがRJだ。 (A)
Next day of RJ, it was time to play at another great cafe, One Drop! The master got some new lighting stuff to arouse music. And that really worked. I could be in a very good mood in the limelights changing with music! Feel like pro!! Thanks to the master who must have gotten very busy doing both lighting and sound. The audience coming to this cafe are always great listeners and all the time I sing here, I feel very comfortable. I think a heart of the master here who cares a lot about music and musicians makes for this space. That's hot!! (tomo)
熱い!! (tomo)
All photos by Mr. Haruki @ RJ.
First of all, I'd like to thank all the people came last night. As usual, I, of course, did my best at that time, but there are still a bunch of things to think about. Well, but thanks to the people, I could enjoy singing very much! That's one of the most important things for our music. Thank you so much!!! (tomo)
まず初めに、昨夜来て頂いた皆様に感謝です。毎回そうであるように、もちろん今回も自分のその時のベストを尽くしました。しかし考えねばならない事は山の様にあります。でも、聴いていて下さった皆さんのお陰で、とっても楽しく歌う事が出来ました!それが私達の音楽にとって、最も大切な事の一つです。本当にどうもありがとう!!! (tomo)
ありがとうございました。 (A)
After the stage, supported by some praising words from people including flattering, I told myself, "It went pretty good."
Frankly, it eased me a bit because I "slightly" messed up a few times.
After leaving the cafe, Tomo pointed out those moments to me. Sometimes she catches more mistakes I made than I can recognize by myself.
Now I have to check it on the MD. Looking at and accepting the reality is the first step to improve.
This is my usual procedure after stage. In that way, ATOMO is definitely making steady progress day by day.
Thank you so much for sharing the time with us. (A)
We played at La Pura Vida in Kyobashi last night. Since we had not played almost for a month, I was worried about my voice so much. But we practiced a lot and it seemed to work. I really had a great time. Thanks to all the people came last night!! They all are very sweet and I appreciate them of course including the Pura Vida staffs and Mr.Bando giving us a wonderful time!! Thank you all very much!!!! (tomo)
昨夜は京橋のプラヴィダで演奏してきました。私たちはほぼ一ヶ月、きちんと演奏してなかったので、私は特に声がとても心配でした。しかしたくさん練習して、成果はあったようでした。昨夜来て下さった皆様のお陰で、本当に素晴らしい時間を過ごす事が出来ました。ママ、シェフ、そして板東氏は勿論の事、昨夜いらしてくださった皆さん、素敵な時間を本当にありがとうございました!!! (tomo)
プラビダはTomoの古巣である。ぼくにとっては初めての場所だがまったく緊張しなかった。今回は一晩をまるまるいただけたので、以前よく演奏していた曲も含め多くを演奏した。Tomoが言うように今回は少し間隔を置いてしまった後の長い演奏で左手の人差し指を痛めた。爪と肉が少しはがれてしまったのだ。一週間後のライブのためにも養生しなくてはいけない。さて、自分達の演奏に関しては色々と振り返るところはあると思うが、久しぶりにハモリも良く評価していただいたことはこれからの大きな励みとなった。楽しいひと時をありがとうございました。 (A)
La Pura Vida is an old nest of Tomo. There, though it was my first time, I didn't get nervous at all. Since we were given a whole night to play, we played songs that we used to play as well. Like Tomo said, because it was a long session after a quite interval from the last stage, now my left index finger hurts. Its finger nail and flesh are apart a little bit. For upcoming gig in a week, I have to take a good care. Well, though we both might find some points to review on our performance, some put a value on our harmony, and that gave us so much encouragement. Thanks for your time with us! (A)
対バンライブがある日はいつも気分が高揚する。特にお会いしたことのない方とのライブの日は自分達の番が終わるまで若干高い心拍数が続くのだ。今回のライブの対バンの方たちは、思うに、このような会場では見たことのないタイプのグループであった。両グループとも大人数なのだ(5人組と10人組)。必然的に観衆も大きく、拍手も一つの大きなものであった。とても楽しいライブをさせていただいたことに感謝感謝である。ただぼくのマイクのスイッチがオフになっていることにtomoが気がついてくれたとき、既に半分が過ぎてしまっていたことを除いては…。 (A)
Every time of Tai-ban Live induces my uplifting emotion. Especially a day with those who are not acquainted keeps my heart rate slightly higher until our turn gets done. This time, in my opinion our Tai-bans were very rare groups that I have never seen at this type of venue. Both of them consisted of many people(5 and 10 respectively). Accordingly the crowd was big, and its applause was solid. Thank you so much. It was a pretty fun gig regardless of my microphone which was off until Tomo found it so at the half way through... (A)
We played at Cafe One Drop yesterday. We shared the night with a female singer-songwriter, Ms.Yamaoka. She has much of her own taste in her songs. I especially liked the one about rain. Well, as for us, our playing was not bad. I could enjoy singing very much. I like this cafe. It's very cozy! Distance between players and audience is pretty good. Very close but not too much. We really thank the master who gives us the chances to play there. He is a really nice guy!! We're gonna play there on September 2nd again. You shoud come and feel it! We will not disappoint you!! Thank you so much everyone there last night! (tomo)
昨日はワンドロップで演奏させて頂きました。対バンは女性シンガーソングライターの山岡さんという方で、彼女は非常に独自の雰囲気を持ったアーティストでした。雨について書かれた曲がとても良かったです。一方私達はというと、演奏自体は割と上手くいったかな。歌うのをとても楽しめました。ここのカフェは居心地がよくて好きです。演奏者とお客さんの距離感が良い。近いけど、近過ぎず。 ここでの機会を与えてくれるマスターに大感謝。マスターは本当にいい人です。また9月2日(日)にここで演奏させて頂きます。是非来て、感じて下さい!後悔させません!!昨夜の皆様に感謝です。 (tomo)
For a start, we would like to thank Mr. Akiyama, the host of the event we participated yesterday, for inviting us as a player, which we discourteously forgot to address from the stage.
Now, we, quiet duo, were applied between the powerful rock'n'roll bands, like the bottom of a roller coaster, so that his intention of a unique atmosphere for the event could be realized. And it surely supported the theme of the event,"irrational," I hope. Though it was not personally satisfing outcome, we might extract some samples out of 8 songs we played for our sound sources on our website.
Thanks again to him and to "irrationalists" who enjoyed a confortable Sunday afternoon together. (A)
最後にもう一度、秋山さん、並びに日曜日の午後を一緒に過した"不条理好き"である会場の皆さんありがとうございました。 (A)
First of all, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Akiyama! We really appreciate this opportunity. It was my fault that we didn't mention it on stage. It completely slipped out of my mind. I am very sorry. We really had a good experience. I've learned a lot and I hope these things make me grow. Thanks! (tomo)
まず初めに、イベントに誘って頂いた秋山さん、どうもありがとうございました!ステージ上で言うべきが、すっかり頭から飛んでしまっていて、MC失格でした。貴重な経験をさせて頂いて、とても楽しかったです。またこれを糧にできたらいいです。ありがとうございました! (tomo)
Haruki-kun, thanks for photos!!
Last night we played at Happy Laura. We shared the event with other 4 units.
In these days, we've been very busy doing our own stuff. Almost a month had passed since we played last time. This short interval between performances made me feel good things a lot. First, I felt that I was able to control my voice nearly perfectly. That was the biggest harvest for me. And second, I reassured how much I loved to sing! When you learn or get something, I think it's really important to take some breaks. Then you'll see what you want the most.
Thanks to all there! (tomo)
昨夜も皆さん、ありがとうございました! (tomo)
久しぶりに新しいところでの対バンであった。厳密に言うと訪れるのは2回目であるが、通いなれた様相の持てる場所だ。壁や棚にはきれいに整えて飾られた小物やポスター。それらが訪れる人を歓迎し、心地よさをもたらすのだろう。・・・と、まあこういう事はだいたいTomoが気付き、ぼくはいつもそういう指摘を聞いて僅かなディーテールに目をやるようになってきた。さて、今回は我々以外にあと2組(2人)の出演者で順番に演奏した。トップバッターは「闇色鍵盤」さんという方だ。とてもユニークなカラーの持ち主で彼は自作の物語を語りながら場面場面で歌を歌う。その物語はSFチックで聴く人を惹きつけて最後まで放さない。2番目が我々の出番。空気を一気にオーソドックスな音楽用に変えた。まあ、それが我々の好むものであり突き詰めたいものである。3番目は「春什八番」さんという弾き語りのアーティストだ。彼とは京都の飛び入りで初めて会った。ぼくは彼の実話に基づく唄やコマーシャルのコラージュを使った演出、そして彼のトークがとても面白いと思った。両者ともとても才能溢れるパフォーマーであり、見習うところ満載であった。 (A)
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