中のジャケットを見ると、二人のギタリストはタック&パティから絶賛されているだけでなく、一緒に演奏までしているという。彼の技術を身に付けること自体凄いことであるが、彼らのプロフィールを読んでさらに驚いた。彼らのうち一人は、ギターを初めて手にしてわずか4年でアメリカのバークレーを卒業しているのだ。この事実から思うことはたくさんありすぎて書ききれない。 (A)
It's been ages since we bought the last CD. In fact, it was not me who paid for it, butTomo. The CD is of a group called Acosphere.
While I was brousing throuhg some books in a bookstore in Diamond City mall, she found it in an interior goods shop. She dragged me by my arm there to have me listen to it. The group is formed by two-guitars. The instrumental male duo plays very uniquely mostly great American hit songs from a past decades. And what caught my attention was a comment printed on their CD jacket. It was from Tack & Patti. They acclaim those guys' work very much. Apparently Tomo was interested in that regard. Actually the guitar sound reminds me Tack's playing. We had to decide to get one to fullfil our interests because we couldn't try no more than 2 tunes there,.
Looking inside the jacket, I found more than that Tack plaised their CD. Those guys have played with Tack & Patti on stages. I was not surprised at so much Acosphere's high techneque as their profile. One of them graduated from Berklee College of Music only 4 years since his first contact to a guitar. There are too many thoughts to write them all. (A)
先日週刊誌のTIMEに"Journey"が新しいボーカルを迎え入れたという記事が載っていた。1996年にオリジナルボーカルのSteve Perryが「健康上の理由」で脱退してから何人かのボーカルを入れ替えていることは知っていた。
ぼくがまだLAにいたころ、Sam Ashという楽器屋さんのギター売り場をうろついていたときのことだ。突然店員がギター持って近づいてきて「聴け」とばかりにJourneyの曲を弾き語りだした。腹に乗った響く声でほんのワンフレーズずつ、数曲を歌ったが非常に上手かった。その時の詳しい話は、彼の名前も含め、大分忘れていることもあり割愛するが、覚えていることは彼はJourneyのボーカルをやっていたと言ったことだ。非常に短い間だがJourneyの一員でツアーもしたという。その容姿や、なぜその時楽器屋の店員をしているのかということも含めにわかに信じがたかったのだが、ただ、歌を聴いたらたとえJourneyでなかったとしても、プロと言っても申し分ない声であったことは覚えている。
今回の新しいボーカルはフィリピン人のArnel Pinedaという人だ。ギタリストのSchonがYou Tubeで彼のパフォーマンスを見てど肝を抜かれスカウトしたとのことだ。実際ぼくも見てみたのだが、Steveそっくりだ。Schonは「ありえないくらい上手い」と言っているが、Arnelをその上手さゆえにスカウトしたのか、その酷似性ゆえなのかはわからない。余計な心配だと思うが、Arnelはこれから個人的にはカバー曲にあたるものをホンモノとして歌う事になったことをどう消化しているのだろう。その記事は今やプロのミュージシャンを目指すものにデモテープは要らなくなったと締められていた。 (A)
In TIME magazine I found an article saying that an American band "Journey" contracted with a new vocalist. I knew Steve Perry, the original vocalist, had left the band due to "health problem" in 1996, and they switched the vocalist a few times.
This is a story of when I was just roaming around a musical instruments store, Sam Ash in L.A., a sales person approached me with a guitar in his hand as if he had told me "Listen up, boy!" He started to play the guitar and sing Journey's songs. Only a few segments from each song was enough to estimate his talent. The voice from his stomach filled the area. I will omit the details including his name because I have forgot the most, but I remember his saying that he had once been a vocalist of Journey, though it was a very short period of time, he was in a band on the road. With his appearance and the fact of being a sales person in a store, it was hard to convince me to believe him, but his singing would have proved him as a pro, even if he had actually not been a member of Journey.
Now the new vocalist is a Philipino, Arnel Pineda. The article says Schon, Journey's guitarist got surprized at Pineda's performance accidentaly found in You Tube to contact him to offer that position. I watched some, too. He unbelievably sounds alike. From what Schon wrote, "He can't be that good," I don't know whether Pineda's talent made Schon approach to him or his resemblance did. How does Arnel manage to sing personally "covers" as his (their) originals, if I may be so bold as to concern? Anyway, the article was closed by saying that demo tape is no longer a must tool for musicians to promote themselves. (A)
My eye opener to the American / European pop music was Dan Fogelberg. Not so many people seems to recognize this name in Japan, but many must have heard his songs in 70's and 80's.
When I was in a school in the states, my English teacher used one of Dan's songs in her class. Since then, American pop songs quickly became close to me. His music might be categorized in country rock music, where the Eagles is. What makes him different from others is its theme. A lot of his songs are dedicated to wildlife. He shows his gratitudes in his pieces towords the mother of nature including what was inherited from native Americans.
In today's world, where many environmental movement is permeating, it's a shame that we have lost one of these artists who could more enlighten the issue to people. Yes, he deceased just a month ago. I found it out a few days ago in his HP anouncing his death. I knew he had been struggling with advanced prostate cancer for years, but the news was still hard to take. Imagining that the cancer might have started to nest in his body when I went to see him in his concert with Tomo in Los Angeles, my heart aches.
Here I'll pray for the souls of the great artist, who returned to where he loved. (A)
ぼくの目を洋楽に向かせたきっかけになったのがDan Fogelbergの歌だった。日本で、この名前を聞いてすぐにピンとくる人は少ないと思うが、70-80年代、多くの人が彼の曲を聞いたことがあるに違いない。
ここで彼の愛した大自然へと召されたこの偉大なアーティストのご冥福をお祈りしたい。 (A)
Photo by tomo
To Dan,
Thank you for your music and souls in it.
1992年在米中、ぼくは友人からAir Supplyのコンサートに一緒に言ってくれないかと誘われた。当時情報が皆無だったぼくはそのお誘いに答える前に、周りの人に彼らの評判をいろいろ訊いてみることにした。主観的であるさまざまな良い評判と悪い評判から、彼らの音楽を想像し、行ってみることに決めた。ぼくらの席は劇場の最後尾だった。場内アナウンスでは彼らの到着が遅れていることを告げていた。もともとバンドだった彼らは、当時1990年代初頭、Air SupplyとしてRussell Hichicock(vo)とGraham Russell(gt&vo)の2人だけで再出発をしたばかりだった。いろいろ想像を膨らませて待ちくたびれていた中、一時間ほど経ってやっと到着した二人の他には、サポートピアニストが一人だけ参加していた。演奏が始まるや否や、ぼくはRussellのヴォーカルに衝撃を受けた。正にど真ん中。金鉱を掘り当てた気分であった。この時の第一印象は想像を遥かに超ていた。Tomoが前のブログで書いているように、聴く人のハートをギュッと掴む信じがたいほどに美しい声質である。彼らは同じ曲を20年以上、(もちろん新曲も)歌っているが、その歌い方は変わっていない。中には年を経るにしたがって、声を歪ませるなど発声法を変えるミュージシャンもいるが、彼らは決してボーカルに変に手を加えるようなことはしない。常に自然体で歌っている。その時のRussellの声はソプラノ(女声高音域)であったが、おそらく今はテナー(男声高音域)であろう。それが曲のキーを少し下げている。それだけのことだ。彼らのエッセンスは完璧に健在だ。
我々には彼ら以外にも同じ観点からのスーパースターがいる。それはまた別の機会に。 (A)
Maybe I want to write about when I first saw Air Supply.
In 1992, Bellingham, WA, a friend of mine asked me to accompany to their show at Mt. Baker Theater. Prior to answer to the offer, I asked around my friends about their reputation to get more information. When I vaguelypictured their music from those subjective goods and bads about them, I decided to give it a shot.
We seated at the very back. The anouncement told us that their arrival was somehow delaying. At that time, they just restarted their new Air Supply with only two Russell Hichicock(vo.) and Graham Russell(gt&vo) (they are used to be in a band). With the swelling imaginasion, almost an hour passed. And they arrived. For that show, they brought just another piano player beside them. Once they started to play, I was stunned by Russell's vocal, and he did struck home. I felt as if I had found a gold mine. The first impression was too far better than my imagination. Like Tomo described before, he has an incredibly beautiful tone of voice to grab people's heart.
They have been playing the same love songs (including new ones too) over and over again even after 20 years, but they never change the way they sing. Some musicians modify the utterance, for example, destorting the voice as they get older, but Air Supply doesn't mess around with the vocals, and always sing straight forward. Russell's voice used to be in a rage of soprano (womans higher vocal rage), and now probably the tenor. That brings the key lower to some songs, but that's it. All the goodies are perfectly preserved.
There is another superstar of ours in the similar aspect, but that is another story. (A)
比較的高年齢層の聴衆の中で、ぼくらは絶対的に若かった。Air Supplyは1980年代前半世界的に名を広めたグループだ。ここにいる人々はそのときからのファンに違いない。ぼくはというと、1992年、アメリカにいた時に初めて彼らのコンサートを観て以来、彼らの曲を聴き続け、コンサートに行くのは今回が4回目である。還暦まであと数年と迫ったRussellやGrahamは、しかし今でもなお聴く者を釘付けにする。
彼らの編曲は時代の中で変わることがあっても、歌い方が曲の持つ良さをしっかりと保存し、決して失わせることはない。 (A)
Among relatively senior-aged crowd, we were definitely young. Air Supply became a world wide artist in early 80's, so I guessed the most of people there must be the fans from that time. I have listened to them since I first saw them in 1992 in the states and this is my 4th time. Still now, however, Russell and Graham, who are in their late 50's, have magnetized the fans.
Since their songs are our favorate repertoires, all the words are in our heads. We seated on the center of the second row and sang along. The two men ran on the stage and walked through the audience. But our seats must be too close, so that their eyes always fell behind us. What a shame.
After the show, despite our attempts to meet them in person, it couldn't be realized. These attempts were kindly brought back by the staff with their autographs on the video tape that we prepared.
Their song arrangement changs as time goes, but the way they sing preserves their fundamental charm of those songs and never let it get lost. (A)
Pick thrown by Graham. Tomo got it! His autograph is on the other side.
Finally the day had come!! Air Supply, our NO.1 superstar came to Billboardlive. We visited here twice this year! How luxurious!!
I've known them for almost ten years. And their music is still our best. They looked older than we had seen them last time because it was about 8 years ago in Las Vegas, and that was my first time to see their show, but their music is definitely not faded. I was so excited, and that made me sing along with them loudly. Seemed like just two of us were singing when they requested the audience to sing. I love their music style, but moreover, I am attracted by Russell's voice a lot. It's incredible. If you haven't heard them, I recommend to get one of their CDs. I just can't believe their age!! I want to become like they are.
We brought very old and rare VHS to get their autograph, and we did it. We wanted to talk with them, but it didn't come true. Then we wrote a short letter very quickly to hand them. I should have written my age on it!! If I did, they might have been interested in us and showed up!! (haha!)
Well, I just want to thank them for their music giving us lots of inspires and dreams. The autograph above says, "Tomoko, love too!". Oh my...!! (tomo)
遂にこの日がやって来た!!私達のナンバーワン大スター、Air Supplyがビルボードライブ(前ブルーノート)にやって来た。ここには今年2度目である。何という贅沢。
ただただ彼らの音楽と、それがもたらす私達の喜びに感謝である。上のサインには、「Tomoko, love too!」と書いてある。ああ・・・!! (tomo)
こんなとこに一括りとして扱ってあつかましいかもしれないが、同じ男女デュオグループとして彼らの演奏を観たいとずっと思っていた。(TOMOは前に一度観ている。)この公演が近いことを彼らのウェブサイトで見つけたとき、この時ばかりは衝動的に行くと決めた。そしてその価値は多分にあった。魅了された。全てが洗練されすぎ速すぎて、音楽的に盗めたものはなかった。どれだけすごいかって。 とにかくチョットでも写真を撮ろうと思う暇がなかったぐらいだ。で何も学べなかったのか?あるといえば、パティに穴が開くのではないかと思えるぐらいのタックの視線だろうか。ぼくがタックに関して一番覚えているのはそれだ。彼はきっとパティの体から放たれる全ての情報をキャッチしてあの正確なリズムとビートをキープしているのだろう。しかし、彼が一人で演奏しているときでも彼の視線は鋭く、しかしときにはどこに視点を結んでいるのか分からないものだった。集中の表われなのだろう。その姿は、ギタリストによく見られる自己陶酔とは大分違うと感じた。
彼らのウェブサイトを見れば分かるが、タックは努力の人だ。ぼくはそういうアーティストが好きだ。そういう人の生き方と、音楽に対する姿勢が。 (A)
なにはともあれ、素敵な一時をくれた彼らに、本当に感謝です。 (tomo)
As a man & woman duo group, though it might be quite impudent to categorize us in one here, I wanted to see their show for a long time (Tomo had had once before). When I found it in their web site a several days ahead, I impulsively decided to go this time. And, it was more than worth going indeed. It was fascinating. And I enjoyed. Everything was too sophisticated and passed too fast to grab. How much great were they? Well, as much as I forgot to even think about taking any pictures. Then didn't I learn anything? Well maybe it's Tuck's gaze watching Patti as if it would have penetrated Patti's body. That's what I recall most about Tuck. He must be trying to receive all the signals emitted from Patti to keep the precise rhysm and beat. However, even playing solo, his eyes were very sharp, but sometimes not known on what they focused. The way he consentrate, I believe. I thought it was very different from the ordinary guitar players, who are infatuated with their own sounds.
Well, surfing on their web site will have you guess easily that he is a man of diligence. I like such artists. The way they live. The way they face to music. (A)
First of all, I just want to say how they are great.
They've been toghether for a long time with just guitar and vocals. Besides they still keep attracting the audience everytime they play. That's truly incredible.
When I watched their show about 3 years sgo, they already sounded so perfect for me. But amazingly, they've been grwoing and showed us all about it. That's awesome.
I'm not well versed in guitar things, so I'm writing here about a great singer, Patti. (Well, but of course I see how great his playing the guitar!) There are bunch of things that I want to mention her, but I'm picking up here two most impressive things.
I wonder how fast she breathes without breaking music running. This was keeping my eyes on her throughout their show. And she was telling us messages of "love and peace" about the way she feels. The energy came out through her whole body. That made me move.
We had a really great night there. We wanted to talk with them after their show, but this time, we couldn't make it. They had their second show up coming.
I'd really like to thank them to give us such a wonderful time!! (tomo)
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