もちろん、純正なる"Les Paul Model"ではない。
I bought a new guitar. To be exact, I bought an old guitar anew. In other words, I bought a used one. I had been wanting one for quite a long time. But it doesn't mean I was dreaming about a certain guitar. Although I play the guitar, I am not really particular about it. One reason is because I would seek technique rather than timbre. However, I am not really good at it. I started it because I wanted something to accompany with my singing, which I put weigh more.
Even so, I wanted a guitar and finally bought one. An electric guitar. Why? I just wanted a guitar not annoying neighbors. Of course, I am talking about it unplugged. About a decade ago, I bought a brand new but cheap electric guitar from the same motive. Without knowing anything about electric guitar, I got a bad one. Bad was the basic quality of structure. It caused me a light trauma and has dragged a chance to buy the next.
I assumed that no other person wanted a guitar from such adultrated motive, so I didn't ask for an advice to anybody including sales people who would have seduced me to "expensive" ones. Then I chose to go to a second hand shops, and I bought it very very cheap. Therefore, it got a broken knob, and the color is not my choice. I just checked the strings don't buzz on flets.
Tell you the truth, I had just one thing to particular about. Les Paul "Style." Just by a lowbrow thought.
We played at La Pura Vida in Kyobashi last night. Since we had not played almost for a month, I was worried about my voice so much. But we practiced a lot and it seemed to work. I really had a great time. Thanks to all the people came last night!! They all are very sweet and I appreciate them of course including the Pura Vida staffs and Mr.Bando giving us a wonderful time!! Thank you all very much!!!! (tomo)
昨夜は京橋のプラヴィダで演奏してきました。私たちはほぼ一ヶ月、きちんと演奏してなかったので、私は特に声がとても心配でした。しかしたくさん練習して、成果はあったようでした。昨夜来て下さった皆様のお陰で、本当に素晴らしい時間を過ごす事が出来ました。ママ、シェフ、そして板東氏は勿論の事、昨夜いらしてくださった皆さん、素敵な時間を本当にありがとうございました!!! (tomo)
プラビダはTomoの古巣である。ぼくにとっては初めての場所だがまったく緊張しなかった。今回は一晩をまるまるいただけたので、以前よく演奏していた曲も含め多くを演奏した。Tomoが言うように今回は少し間隔を置いてしまった後の長い演奏で左手の人差し指を痛めた。爪と肉が少しはがれてしまったのだ。一週間後のライブのためにも養生しなくてはいけない。さて、自分達の演奏に関しては色々と振り返るところはあると思うが、久しぶりにハモリも良く評価していただいたことはこれからの大きな励みとなった。楽しいひと時をありがとうございました。 (A)
La Pura Vida is an old nest of Tomo. There, though it was my first time, I didn't get nervous at all. Since we were given a whole night to play, we played songs that we used to play as well. Like Tomo said, because it was a long session after a quite interval from the last stage, now my left index finger hurts. Its finger nail and flesh are apart a little bit. For upcoming gig in a week, I have to take a good care. Well, though we both might find some points to review on our performance, some put a value on our harmony, and that gave us so much encouragement. Thanks for your time with us! (A)
We rehearsed at La Pura Vida for the gig on 25th. The engineer, Mr. Bando will kindly help us to set our sound better. We played about for 2hrs there..... Was that a rehearsal?? It was a time for our practice.... Thank you so much, the master and Mr. Bando!! I didn't get good pics this time... (tomo)
25日のライブのリハーサルに、プラビダに行って来ました。エンジニアのバンドウ氏が、私達の音出しを手伝ってくださいます。私達はおよそ2時間演奏してきました・・・。リハーサルだったのか・・・??私達の練習タイムでした。マスターとバンドウ氏、どうもありがとうございました。今回は良い写真がありませんが・・・。 (tomo)
"A" is going to take one of his guitars with him, so we could practice there for the next gig coming up on 25th! (tomo)
Aは彼のギターを一本持って行くと言うので、次回、25日のライブに向けての練習をそこでもしよう! (tomo)
いつも通り、今夜も考えさせられる事満載の、RJでのセッションデーでした。この日が終わるといつもとても落ち込みます。今回も例外ではありません。木曜日に落ち込んだばかりなのに・・・。本当に私達の音楽は長い長い道のりです。特に私は歌に関して。それは決して終わる事はなく、けれど私の人生を深めてくれます。苦はありません、音楽が好きで、そして何よりそれ無しでは生きていけませんから! (tomo)
久しぶりの演奏だった。何とか新曲を・・・と曲作りに専念していてここ2週間以上どこでも演奏していない。その甲斐あって先日やっと曲ができあがり、今はTOMOが詩を・・・とそれはまたの時に。今は昨日のことを書かなくてはいけない。昨日は凄いものを見せてもらった。おそらくあれが大阪インディーズの真髄なのだろう・・・か?14組中の約半数の出演者の力強かったこと。一種のスポーツとも呼べるくらいの体を使った自己表現に圧倒された。そこに絶妙なトークを交えさせることができるのが大阪人アーティストなのだろう。こんな狭い紙面では書ききれるわけも無い。とにかく楽しかった、がぼくにはできない。 (A)
It's been a while since our last stage. We've been trying to write a new song without performing at anywhere for more than 2 weeks. Thanks to God, I could finally write a new one, and now it's in Tomo's hands for lyrics... Well, it's another story. I have to put something here from the last night. It was a great night. That must be the core spirit of "Osakan Indies," mustn't it? The half of 14 entries' powerful performances didn't let me react to their self expression using the whole body. I would call it sports. Moreover, that is the real Osakan artists to be able to add some funny talks. It's impossible for me to write about it in this limitted space. All I can say here is that it was great, but I can not do it. (A)
We are going to play at the bar called "La Pura Vida" in Kyobashi, Osaka on August 25th. While "A" was in the U.S., I played there sometime with my friends (piano and percussions). When almost a year past since we started ATOMO here in Japan, we called on this bar to say hi to MAMA! Then kindly, she offered us to play there again. She is a sweet and nice woman with open mind and loves everything for fun! Also she has a good cook there! His disshes are no doubt to let your mouth water!! And they have plenty kinds of beers and liquors from all over the world!! Foreigners sometimes come to this bar and have fun talking. Well, this is a very nice bar indeed! We are going to start from 21:00, and play some stages through the night!! (The bar openes at 18:00 to 3:00)Just come over and have some fun together!!! (tomo)
8月の25日に京橋にある『La Pura Vida(ラ・プラビダ)』というバーで演奏させて頂きます。ここは、「A」がアメリカにいる間、何度か私が友達と演奏をさせてもらったバーです。(ピアノとパーカッションで)
遊びに来て下さい、一緒に楽しい夜を過ごしましょう!! (tomo)
対バンライブがある日はいつも気分が高揚する。特にお会いしたことのない方とのライブの日は自分達の番が終わるまで若干高い心拍数が続くのだ。今回のライブの対バンの方たちは、思うに、このような会場では見たことのないタイプのグループであった。両グループとも大人数なのだ(5人組と10人組)。必然的に観衆も大きく、拍手も一つの大きなものであった。とても楽しいライブをさせていただいたことに感謝感謝である。ただぼくのマイクのスイッチがオフになっていることにtomoが気がついてくれたとき、既に半分が過ぎてしまっていたことを除いては…。 (A)
Every time of Tai-ban Live induces my uplifting emotion. Especially a day with those who are not acquainted keeps my heart rate slightly higher until our turn gets done. This time, in my opinion our Tai-bans were very rare groups that I have never seen at this type of venue. Both of them consisted of many people(5 and 10 respectively). Accordingly the crowd was big, and its applause was solid. Thank you so much. It was a pretty fun gig regardless of my microphone which was off until Tomo found it so at the half way through... (A)
今、できあがったのはまだ、宝石の原石のようなもので、これからカットし研磨しなくてはいけない。色を付けるにはさらに想像力が必要である。 (A)
Finally, we got a picture of our next song. This time, the writer is Tomo. I mean its music and words are both written by her.
As some friends knows, she doesn't play any instrument. So, what she did after writing the words and the melody was looking for the chords on the keyboard pressing some keys to match the notes ringing in her head. Then I figured out the chords and played it to define it together. If I'm allowed to compare, we were like Mozart and Salieri. Well, there surely is a gigantic gap between them and us, but it's just easier to say so as to make us understood.
And what I want to say is that it is amazing what she did. Having the clear sound image and reproduce it on an unfamiliar instrument.
What we have now is just a gemstone to cut and polish it. Need more imagination in order to color it, too. (A)
This is my first time to make music all by myself. All the time some good melodies are hitting my head, but they are gone away somewhere and never come back. But this time I did it. Usually I try to get melody first and later, I put lyrics on it. But I took an opposite way this time. I think that's how it works. Anyway I'm very happy with this new song. We need to polish it up, though. (tomo)
自分で一つの曲を作ったのは初めてです。いつも良いメロディーが浮かんでも、どこかに消えていってしまう。しかし今回はやり遂げました。普段、曲を作ろうとする時はメロディーから考えてたのですが、今回は反対のやり方で。きっとこれが勝因でしょう。ともかくとても嬉しいです。まだまだ磨き上げなくては。 (tomo)
We played at Cafe One Drop yesterday. We shared the night with a female singer-songwriter, Ms.Yamaoka. She has much of her own taste in her songs. I especially liked the one about rain. Well, as for us, our playing was not bad. I could enjoy singing very much. I like this cafe. It's very cozy! Distance between players and audience is pretty good. Very close but not too much. We really thank the master who gives us the chances to play there. He is a really nice guy!! We're gonna play there on September 2nd again. You shoud come and feel it! We will not disappoint you!! Thank you so much everyone there last night! (tomo)
昨日はワンドロップで演奏させて頂きました。対バンは女性シンガーソングライターの山岡さんという方で、彼女は非常に独自の雰囲気を持ったアーティストでした。雨について書かれた曲がとても良かったです。一方私達はというと、演奏自体は割と上手くいったかな。歌うのをとても楽しめました。ここのカフェは居心地がよくて好きです。演奏者とお客さんの距離感が良い。近いけど、近過ぎず。 ここでの機会を与えてくれるマスターに大感謝。マスターは本当にいい人です。また9月2日(日)にここで演奏させて頂きます。是非来て、感じて下さい!後悔させません!!昨夜の皆様に感謝です。 (tomo)
I have just finished writing a piece, but I was not so supportive about this, so I proposed it with 2 more choices, which had been put away for years. Sure enough my partner didn't like them. (Well, I was just checking that we were on the same track.)
Somehow tunes I write are not 'eatable' as they are. We got to cook them, but this time, We need a better cook! Well, forget it! We have to be the one! So, WE turned them down, and we are back in quest of our MUSIC. Genteel! (A)
どういうわけか自分で書く曲は生では食べれない。調理が必要だ。しかし今回のはよりよいシェフが必要だ!まあ・・・そんなことはどうでもいい。自分達でできなければしかたがない!だからボツった。そうして、また自分達の「音」を探して歩いていくのだ。なんちゃって! (A)
お知らせさせてください! 次回、谷町9丁目のカフェOne Dropにて6月17日(日)に、そして西宮のライブバーRJにて7月8日(日)に、それぞれ対バンデーに参加させて頂きます。後者のほうは、アカペラグループとの競演という事だそうで、いつもとはまた違った夜になりそうです。詳しくはINFORMATIONをご覧下さい。皆さん、ぜひお越し下さいね!! (tomo)
音声ファイルのアップロードにやっと成功しました! 春木君そしてM氏のおかげで何とかこの苦境を脱しました。ウィンドウズ・メディア・プレーヤーでこんなに圧縮できるなんて知りませんでした。しかしやはり音質はある程度犠牲になったので、これからはもっと大きなファイルを如何に扱うかを学ばなければなりません。お二人共、ありがとう!またよろしくお願いします。 (A)
Last night, we joined the open mike night at RJ, as usual. Well, but actually, it was not the same this time because it was Sunday yesterday. And this was the first month they had open mike nights both on Saturday and Sunday. I think this event is getting very popular!! I'm happy for RJ! The condition was the same as the one on Saturday. But atmosphere was quite different. I felt time was passing draggingly, and everyone looked very relaxed. But I still got nervous! I don't know why, but all the time I sing in this event, I get nervous for sure.... Anyway it was a fun night! Thanks everyone there!! (tomo)
昨夜は恒例、RJでのセッションデーに参加させて頂きました。 しかしいつもと違うのは、昨日が日曜日だったという事です。今月初、月二回のセッションデーでした。つまり!このセッションデーが大人気になってきているという事ですよね。マスター達に乾杯です。条件はいつもと同じでしたが、雰囲気はかなり違いました。まったりとした時が流れ、皆さんリラックスされてる様な気がしました。しかし私は緊張しました!ここでのセッションデーではいつも何故かこうなのです・・・。ともかく、楽しい夜でした。皆さんありがとう!! (tomo)
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